北海道大学大学院 地球環境科学研究院 統合環境科学部門 環境適応科学分野 テニュアトラック付き助教(任期付)

1. 公募人員:テニュアトラック付き助教(任期付) 1 名

2.所 属:北海道大学大学院 大学院地球環境科学研究院 統合環境科学部門 環境適応科学分野

3.教育担当:大学院環境科学院 環境起学専攻 環境適応科学コース



(1)履歴書 (Researcher IDあるいはORCIDを付記)
(2)研究業績目録(論文は査読付原著論文とその他を区別) ,および外部資金獲得状況
(3)主要論文のコピー (5 編以内)
(4)現在までの研究概要および教育実績 (それぞれ1,500 字および1,000 字程度)
(5)今後の研究および教育に対する抱負 (それぞれ1,500 字および1,000 字程度)
(7)(1)〜(6)をそれぞれ別のPDF ファイルで保存した記録媒体 (CD, DVD, USBメモリ等)

7.公募締切:令和 4年 1月 17日(月)必着

8.着任時期:令和 4年 6月 1日以降のできるだけ早い時期




12.勤務形態:専門業務型裁量労働制を適用 ※1日に7時間45分労働したものとみなす.



〒060-0810 札幌市北区北10条西5丁目
統合環境科学部門 沖野 龍文
Tel 011-706-4519
E-mail okino@ees.hokudai.ac.jp
(注)郵送の際は,封筒表面に「教員応募」と朱書し,レターパックプラス(あるいは簡易書留)で送付願います.電子メールでの提出を希望する場合は,事前に連絡願います.応募書類は選考終了後に当方にて責任をもって破棄し, 原則として返却いたしません.

16.備 考:
着任後は,学士課程の全学教育にも参加して頂きます.北海道大学は, 男女共同参画を推進しています.女性の積極的な応募を歓迎いたします.
(参考:ダイバーシティ研究環境推進室 https://reed.synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp/



Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Position Open: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
Location: Sapporo, JAPAN

Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University invites applications for the academic position of tenure-track assistant professor.

1. Job title
Tenure-track assistant professor
The tenure-track faculty candidate may be promoted to a tenured associate professorship in five years following a positive tenure evaluation.

2. Institution
Group of Environmental Adaptation Science, Section of Integrated Environmental Science, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science

3. Educational responsibilities
Course in Environmental Adaptation Science, Division of Environmental Science Development, Graduate School of Environmental Science

4. Research field: Environmental Adaptation Science
The successful applicant is expected to conduct research based on biology or chemistry in areas related to environmental adaptation science such as analytical technology of pollutant, remediation and reduction of environmental load, environmental risk evaluation, or assessment of biological effect toward achievement of SDGs.

5. Qualifications
The applicant must have a doctoral degree and excellent achievements in the related research fields. The successful applicant must conduct education for graduate students in English.

6. Applicants are required to submit the following documents:
(1) Curriculum Vitae including Researcher ID (or ORCID)
*Applicant who was employed by Hokkaido University after April 1, 2013 (any position, including Part-time Lecturer, TA, TF, RA, and Short-term Support Assistant, etc.) should provide full details of your employment history.
(2) Lists of scientific publications (peer reviewed original papers and others should be separated) and research grants obtained
(3) Copies of representative papers (up to 5)
(4) Summaries of past research and educational activities (approx. 1,000 and 600 words, respectively)
(5) Future plans for research and education (approx. 1,000 and 600 words, respectively)
(6) Names of two references with contact information
(7) CD, DVD, or USB memory containing above information (1-6) in PDF files

7. Deadline for receipt
January 17, 2022
Dossier and materials for application should be sent to the following address by registered mail. In the case of applying by E-mail, please contact Tatsufumi Okino in advance.

8. Expected date of appointment
The earliest day of convenience after or on the day of June 1, 2022.

9. Appointment terms
The intended tenure track period is a maximum of five years. The candidate’s performance during employment will be evaluated in five years to qualify for a tenured associate professor or non-tenure track assistant professor. An additional term of employment as an assistant professor is limited to five years.

10. Probationary period
Three months

11. Salary
Salary is based on National University Corporation Hokkaido University salary rules for faculty subject to annual salary system.

12. Working hours
Discretionary working system in the type of professional work.
The successful candidate will be deemed to have worked for 7 hours 45 minutes per working day.

13. Social insurances
Employees’ Pension Insurance (Kousei Nenkin)
MEXT Mutual Aid Association Health Insurance
Employment Insurance
Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance

14. Name of recruiter institution
National University Corporation Hokkaido University

15. Address for application and inquiry
Prof. Tatsufumi Okino
Section of Integrated Environmental Science
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Kita 10 Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan
Tel. +81-11-706-4519
E-mail: okino@ees.hokudai.ac.jp

16. Information about our organization can be found at:

17. Notes
The successful applicant may also be required to teach undergraduate students.
Hokkaido University actively promotes both education and research while fostering diverse human resources and gender-equality. We encourage applications from woman candidates in this research field.
(cf. Promotion office of Research environment for Diversity: https://reed.synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp/en)
Dossier will not be returned but carefully discarded after the review process is completed.