団体名 または 会社名 | RIKEN |
募集職種 | RIKEN Hakubi Fellows (理研白眉研究チームリーダー) |
募集人数 | 人 |
募集分野・業務内容 | Creative and ambitious research in natural and mathematical sciences, including research areas bordering the humanities and social sciences. |
応募資格 | Applicants should be talented researchers who are able to engage in research at RIKEN on a full-time basis with the ability to manage their laboratories as PIs. A doctoral degree is not necessarily required for this position. |
提出書類 | 1: Research Proposal 2: List of publications, presentations, and achievements 3: Outline of most important achievements 4: Copies of representative papers |
選考方法 | The first stage of screening is an evaluation of submitted documents. Successful applicants then proceed to the second stage, the interview. |
着任時期 | April, 2020 or later |
勤務時間 | |
勤務形態 | full time |
勤務地 | |
処遇・待遇 | |
応募締切日 | June 28, 2019 |
参考URL | http://www.riken.jp/en/careers/hakubi/hakubi2020/ |
特記事項 | |
■書類提出先 | |
郵便番号 | |
住所 | |
部署名 | |
担当者名 | |
■問い合わせ先 | |
部署名 | Research Personnel Affairs Section |
担当者名 | RIKEN Hakubi Desk |
TEL | 048-467-9203 |
FAX | |
E-mailアドレス | hakubi@riken.jp |