Samuro Kakiuchi Memorial Award (by Gushinkai)


2024(The 19th) New!

Masaaki Komatsu(Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University)

Pathophysiology of selective autophagy


2023(The 18th)

Yukiko Goto(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

Identification of signaling pathways regulating cell fate


2022(The 17th)

Akiyoshi Fukamizu(University of Tsukuba)

Studies on biological homeostasis of protein arginine methylation


2021(The 16th)

Juro Sakai(Tohoku University Graduate School of medicine)

Elucidation of adaptation mechanisms to the environmental stress via signal sensing and epigenetic rewriting by epigenetic modifier


2020(The 15th)

Hiroyuki Arai(Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency)

Studies on metabolism, biological functions and related diseases of lipids in biological membranes


2019(The 14th)

Shigeo Murata(Univ. of Tokyo)

Discovery of the thymoproteasome and its role in T cell selection and pathophysiology


2018(The 13th)

Hitoshi Kurumizaka(Univ. of Tokyo)

Structural and Biochemical basis of Epigenetics that Regulates Genome Function


2017(The 12th) 

Masayuki Yamamoto(Tohoku Univ.)

Discovery of Environmental Stress Response Mechanisms and Deciphering Their Essential Roles in Human Health and Diseases


2016(The 11th)

Akira Kikuchi(Osaka Univ.)

Wnt signal-regulated cellular functions and implications of their abnormalities in diseases


2015(The 10th)

Yukio Fujiki(kyushu Univ.)

Organelle homeostasis and its disorders


2014(The 9th)

Tamotsu Yoshimori(Osaka Univ.)

Elucidation of molecular machinery of membrane dynamics in autophagy and pathology of its failure


2013(The 8th)

Hozumi Motohashi(Tohoku Univ.)

Functional contributions of CNC-sMaf transcription factors to the cytoprotection and homeostatic maintenance


2012(The 7th)


2011(The 6th)

Takehiko Sasaki(Akita Univ.)

Biology of Phosphomositide Metabolism


2010(The 5th)

Noboru Mizushima(Tokyo Univ.)

Studies on the regulation mechanism and physiological role of autophagy in mammals


2009(The 4th)


2008(The 3rd)


2007(The 2nd)

Akihiko Yoshimura(Kyushu Univ.)

Negative Regulation of Signal Transduction of Cytokine Receptors


2006(The 1st)

Kazutoshi Mori(Kyoto Univ.)

Analysis of the Unfolded Protein Response that Maintains the Homeostasis of the Endoplasmic Reticulum