北海道大学大学院工学研究院環境循環システム部門 教授の公募について



1.募集人員:教授 1名(任期の定めなし)

2.所属:環境循環システム部門 地圏循環工学分野(資源生物工学研究室)











以下の(1)~(3)については所定の書式を使用。末尾URLからダウンロードできます。郵送で提出する場合は、印刷物と一緒に、提出書類の電子データを記録したCD、DVD、またはUSBフラッシュメモリーを提出して下さい。また、JREC-IN PortalのWEB応募にて提出する場合は、下記書類を全てPDFにして提出してください。
A 論文等に係る業績:学術論文(査読付)、国際会議プロシーディング、著書、解説・ 総説、作品、招待講演、その他に分類
B 競争的外部資金獲得の実績:科学研究費補助金、共同研究・受託研究、公募研究資金 等に分類
C その他:所属学協会及びその活動、社会貢献、受賞等
A 教育指導に係る実績:学部教育と大学院教育(担当授業科目名を明示)、ならびに学外非常勤講師等、その他(大学以外での実績も含む)に分類
B 教育改善に係る実績:教科書の執筆・翻訳、教育改善に関する著書・論文、教育関連の補助金取得・受賞等に分類
C その他:教育関係委員会等の実績と活動内容や特記すべき事項
(7)本人について参考意見を伺える方2名の氏名・所属・連絡先(電話、E-mail を含む)


(2)JREC-IN Portal(https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekTop)のWEB応募にて送信してください。

16. その他:

〒060-8628 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
〒060-8628 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
部門長 廣吉 直樹

18. 北海道大学大学院工学研究院ホームページ https://www.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/graduate/
提出書類のダウンロード https://www.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/graduate/research/recruit/


Job Opening – Professor in Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering
The faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University invites applications for the academic position of Professor according to the following description:

1. Position Title

2. Laboratory and Division
Laboratory of Biotechnology for Resources Engineering, Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering

3. Research Area
Application of biotechnology to various problems related to resources and the environment including fabrication of new materials using biofunctions

4. Scope of Work
4.1 Teaching
Graduate and undergraduate courses, exercises, and laboratories in Japanese and English.
General education classes of Department of Socio-Environmental Engineering and its relevant in Japanese.
4.2 Supervising Duties
Thesis supervision for undergraduate and graduate students
4.3 Other Duties
Duties as Faculty / Course committee member, etc.

5. Minimum Qualifications
(1) Ability to supervise the courses outlined above
(2) Ph.D.

6. Date of Appointment
1st April 2024, or as soon as possible after this date

7. Probation Period
Three months

8. Working hours, etc.
Monday to Friday; Discretionary work routine (standard 8:30-17:00);
Break time 45 minutes

9. Salary
National University Corporation Hokkaido University Salary Regulations for Faculty
Subject to Annual Salary System

10. Health insurance, etc.
・Employee pension insurance
・Mutual Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
・Employment Insurance
・Workers’ accident compensation insurance

11. Measures to Prevent Second-hand Smoke
Smoking in designated areas only

12. Name of recruiting institution
Hokkaido University

13. Documents to Submit
Applicants should submit the following items on A4-sized paper in any format via postal mail or PDF files via JREC-IN Portal web. Please send us the electronic data using CD, DVD, or USB flash drive when you submit the documents via postal mail.
Please download the designated format for (1), (2), and (3) from the following site:
(1) Curriculum vitae (including picture, date of birth, nationality if other than Japanese, current address, contact information, educational history after university, degrees acquired, qualifications, employment history)
A) Research achievements (listed in chronological order) as demonstrated by
publication in research journals (showing impact factor and times cited if any), other publications such as commentaries, reviews, invited lectures, proceedings from international symposiums, works produced, patents, etc.
B) History of grants awarded (show the main author, the task performed, and separated into the following categories): scientific research grants, collaborative research/funded research (main author only), public research grants (main author only)
C) Membership and involvement in professional organizations, societal contributions (including collaborations with industry), and honors awarded
(3) Educational Accomplishments
A) Supervision (noting courses supervised and separated into the following categories: undergraduate and graduate levels, adjunct positions, and positions
outside the university
B) Improvement of Education: textbook authorship/translations, books/papers on the improvement of education, grants/awards received concerning education
C) Miscellaneous: history of participation and activity in educational committees with notable events mentioned
(4) Five journal publications accompanied by copies of each journal publication
(5) Research plan (approximately 1000 words)
(6) Education plan (approximately 500 words)
(7) Contact information of two references (name, institution, phone number, e-mail address)

14. Deadline for Application
Documents must arrive by 31st October 2023

15. Submission Method
Applications should be sent using either of the following:
(1) Applications should be sent to the postal address indicated below via registered mail. Please indicate “Position for Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering, No. 2023-12” in red ink on the envelope. The submitted document will not be returned to the applicant. Applications will not be used for purposes other than this job posting.
(2) Via upload link of JREC-IN Portal(https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekTop).

16. Others
(1) Please note that an interview may be conducted if necessary. If an interview is required, the applicant is responsible for any travel expenditure.
(2) At Hokkaido University, we actively promote education and research activities while relying on diverse human resources and gender equality. Therefore, we explicitly invite women qualified in Sustainable Resources Engineering to apply. We are also actively supporting a satisfying work-life balance and are thus creating ideal environments for people to reach their full potential.

17. Contact Addresses
(1) Postal address for document submission
Personnel Office, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
phone: +81 11 706 6156, 6117, 6118
(2) Inquiries
Prof. Naoki Hiroyoshi, Division Head
Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
phone: +81-11-706-6313
e-mail: hiroyosi@eng.hokudai.ac.jp

18. Further Information
Further information can be found at the following URL: