The Journal of Biochemistry Table of Contents for June 2019
門松 健治
The Journal of Biochemistry (JB)2019年6月号(Volume 165)が発行されましたのでご案内いたします。
生化学会の会員であればすべての論文がお読みいただけます。 日頃の研究のお役に立てば幸いです。
下記のタイトルをクリックして、「Sign in via society site」から会員番号、パスワードを入力してください。
ご不明な点は、事務局 <jbs-ho@jbsoc.or.jp>までお問い合わせください。
The Journal of Biochemistry received an Impact Factor of 2.350, up by 12.9% from last year, according to the most recent Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2018). Submit your research to The Journal of Biochemistry now!
JB Reviews
Featured article of the month.Cellular and molecular mechanisms of sterile infl ammation in ischaemic stroke
K. Nakamura and T. Shichita –459
Featured article of the month. Regulation of R-loops and genome instability in Fanconi anemia
Y. Okamoto, J. Hejna and M. Takata –465
Biochemistry General
Inhibition of protein phosphatase PPM1D enhances retinoic acidinduced differentiation in human embryonic carcinoma cell line
S. Ogasawara, Y. Chuman, T. Michiba, R. Kamada, T. Imagawa and K. Sakaguchi –471
Fine epitope mapping of a human disulphide-stabilized diabody against fi broblast growth factor-2
J. Zhong, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Cai, Y. Deng, Q. Zheng and N. Deng –487
Glycobiology and Carbohydrate Biochemistry
A novel method for chemo-enzymatic synthesis of chitin oligosaccharide catalyzed by the mutant of inverting family GH19 chitinase using
T. Ohnuma, T. Tanaka, A. Urasaki, S. Dozen and T. Fukamizo –497
Enzyme Inhibitors
Screening of subtype-specifi c activators and inhibitors for diacylglycerol kinase
D. Hayashi, R. Tsumagari, K. Liu, S. Ueda, M. Yamanoue, F. Sakane and Y. Shirai –517
Function of essential chloride and arginine residue in nucleotide binding to vesicular nucleotide transporter
Y. Iwai, S. Kamatani, S. Moriyama and H. Omote — 479
Molecular Biology General
A DNA-binding domain in the C-terminal region of Cdt2 enhances the DNA synthesis-coupled CRL4Cdt2 ubiquitin ligase activity for Cdt1
M.A. Mazian, N. Suenaga, T. Ishii, A. Hayashi, Y. Shiomi and H. Nishitani –505
Gene Expression
Do the charges matter?—balancing the charges of the chromodomain proteins on the nucleosome
K. Hiragami-Hamada and J.-i. Nakayama –455
The Journal of Biochemistry Table of Contents for May 2019
門松 健治
The Journal of Biochemistry (JB)2019年5月号(Volume 165)が発行されましたのでご案内いたします。
生化学会の会員であればすべての論文がお読みいただけます。 日頃の研究のお役に立てば幸いです。
下記のタイトルをクリックして、「Sign in via society site」から会員番号、パスワードを入力してください。
ご不明な点は、事務局 <jbs-ho@jbsoc.or.jp>までお問い合わせください。
The Journal of Biochemistry received an Impact Factor of 2.350, up by 12.9% from last year, according to the most recent Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2018). Submit your research to The Journal of Biochemistry now!
JB Reviews
Featured article of the month. Multiple functions of the ER-resident
VAP and its extracellular role in neural development and disease
K. Kamemura and T. Chihara
Featured article of the month. Calcium signalling: a key regulator of
neuronal migration
S.-i. Horigane, Y. Ozawa, H. Yamada
and S. Takemoto-Kimura
Protein Structure
Structural insights into nucleotide and protein sequence of Ageritin:
a novel prototype of fungal ribotoxin
N. Landi, S. Ragucci, R. Russo,
P.V. Pedone, A. Chambery and A. Di Maro
Glycobiology and Carbohydrate Biochemistry
Implications of altered O-glycosylation in tumour immune evasion N. Itano 387
Biochemistry in Cell Membranes
Hepatitis B virus x protein accelerated the proliferation of hepatocellular
carcinoma cell through lncRNA SNHG20/PTEN pathway
W. Tu, Y. Yang, Y. Song and W. Zhu
Molecular Biology General
Mitotic phosphorylation of HP1α regulates its cell cycle-dependent
chromatin binding
G. Nishibuchi, S. Machida, R. Nakagawa,
Y. Yoshimura, K. Hiragami-Hamada,
Y. Abe, H. Kurumizaka, H. Tagami and
J.-i. Nakayama
Genes and Other Genetic Materials
A novel splicing variant of small nucleolar RNA host gene 4 is a
podocyte-selective non-coding RNA upregulated in response to
puromycin aminonucleoside-induced podocyte injury
A. Horikawa, T. Yoneda, E. Yaoita,
K. Yamaguchi, S. Shigenobu,
M. Kuramochi, J. Yamate, T. Inui and
O. Ishibashi
Tumor and Immunology
PMEPA1/TMEPAI knockout impairs tumour growth and lung metastasis
in MDA-MB-231 cells without changing monolayer culture cell growth
M. Abdelaziz, Y. Watanabe and M. Kato
The Journal of Biochemistry Table of Contents for March 2019
門松 健治
The Journal of Biochemistry (JB)2019年3月号(Volume 165)が発行されましたのでご案内いたします。
生化学会の会員であればすべての論文がお読みいただけます。 日頃の研究のお役に立てば幸いです。
下記のタイトルをクリックして、「Sign in via society site」から会員番号、パスワードを入力してください。
ご不明な点は、事務局 <jbs-ho@jbsoc.or.jp>までお問い合わせください。
JB Commentary
Mucin-type glycosylation as a regulatory factor of amyloid precursor protein processing
Naosuke Nakamura; Akira Kurosaka
Featured Articles
Goldfish: an old and new model system to study vertebrate development, evolution and human disease
Yoshihiro Omori; Tetsuo Kon
Molecular function and biological importance of CNNM family Mg2+ transporters
Yosuke Funato; Hiroaki Miki
Regular Papers
Core fucose is essential glycosylation for CD14-dependent Toll-like receptor 4 and Toll-like receptor 2 signalling in macrophages
Kotarosumitomo Nakayama; Kana Wakamatsu; Hironobu Fujii ; Shinichiro Shinzaki; Shinji Takamatsu …
The N-terminus of EXP2 forms the membrane-associated pore of the protein exporting translocon PTEX in Plasmodium falciparum
Paul R Sanders; Benjamin K Dickerman; Sarah C Charnaud ; Paul A Ramsland; Brendan S Crabb …
Construction and characterization of ribonuclease H2 knockout NIH3T3 cells
Motoki Tsukiashi; Misato Baba; Kenji Kojima; Kohei Himeda ; Teisuke Takita …
C11ORF74 interacts with the IFT-A complex and participates in ciliary BBSome localization
Mariko Takahara; Masataka Kunii; Kentaro Nakamura; Akihiro Harada ; Tomoaki Hirano …
Identification and biochemical characterization of a second zebrafish autotaxin gene
Ryoji Kise; Ryohei Okasato; Kuniyuki Kano; Asuka Inoue ; Atsuo Kawahara …
Quantitative proteomic analyses identified multiple sugar metabolic proteins in soybean under shade stress
Yan Li; Hengke Jiang; Xin Sun; Ahsan Asghar Muhammad ; Jiang Liu …
Homologous pairing activities of Arabidopsis thaliana RAD51 and DMC1
Wataru Kobayashi; Enwei Liu; Hajime Ishii; Sachihiro Matsunaga ; Peter Schlögelhofer …
The Journal of Biochemistry Table of Contents for February 2019
門松 健治
The Journal of Biochemistry (JB)2019年2月号(Volume 165)が発行されましたのでご案内いたします。
生化学会の会員であればすべての論文がお読みいただけます。 日頃の研究のお役に立てば幸いです。
下記のタイトルをクリックして、「Sign in via society site」から会員番号、パスワードを入力してください。
ご不明な点は、事務局 <jbs-ho@jbsoc.or.jp>までお問い合わせください。
JB Commentary
Paradigm shift from ‘Compartment’ to ‘Zone’ in the understanding of organelles
Hideki Nishitoh
Featured Articles
Organelle zones in mitochondria
Shigeomi Shimizu
The ER exit sites are specialized ER zones for the transport of cargo proteins from the ER to the Golgi apparatus
Kazuo Kurokawa, Akihiko Nakano
Organelle contact zones as sites for lipid transfer
Yasushi Tamura, Shin Kawano, Toshiya Endo
Regular Papers
Structural, kinetic and thermodynamic characterizations of SDS-induced molten globule state of a highly negatively charged cytochrome c
Rishu Jain, Deepak Sharma, Rakesh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar
Genome analyses for the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project towards establishment of personalized healthcare
Jun Yasuda, Kengo Kinoshita, Fumiki Katsuoka, Inaho Danjoh, Mika Sakurai-Yageta …
Acute-phase protein-like properties of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1
Yoshikuni Goto, Takahiro J Nakamura, Kenji Ogawa, Akira Hattori, Masafumi Tsujimoto
Phosphorylation of translation initiation factor eIFiso4E promotes translation through enhanced binding to potyvirus VPg
Mateen A Khan
Revealing of a novel xylose-binding site of Geobacillus stearothermophilus xylanase by directed evolution
Usama M Hegazy, Mohamed I El-Khonezy, Abeer Shokeer, Somaia S Abdel-Ghany , Roqaya I Bassuny, Amal Z Barakat, Walaa H Salama, Rasha A M Azouz, Afaf S Fahmy
The crystal structure of homoserine dehydrogenase complexed with l-homoserine and NADPH in a closed form
Shota Akai, Hiroko Ikushiro, Taiki Sawai, Takato Yano, Nobuo Kamiya, Ikuko Miyahara
The ahpD gene of Corynebacterium glutamicum plays an important role in hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress response
Eun-Ji Hong, Haeri Jeong, Dong-Seok Lee, Younhee Kim, Heung-Shick Lee
The Journal of Biochemistry Table of Contents for January 2019
門松 健治
The Journal of Biochemistry (JB)2019年1月号(Volume 165)が発行されましたのでご案内いたします。
生化学会の会員であればすべての論文がお読みいただけます。 日頃の研究のお役に立てば幸いです。
下記のタイトルをクリックして、「Sign in via society site」から会員番号、パスワードを入力してください。
ご不明な点は、事務局 <jbs-ho@jbsoc.or.jp>までお問い合わせください。
The hidden nature of protein translational control by diphthamide: the secrets under the leather
Kayoko Tsuda-Sakurai, Masayuki Miura
Emerging impacts of biological methylation on genetic information
Koichiro Kako, Jun-Dal Kim, Akiyoshi Fukamizu
Cleaved PGAM5 is released from mitochondria depending on proteasome-mediated rupture of the outer mitochondrial membrane during mitophagy
Ayane Yamaguchi, Hayate Ishikawa, Mana Furuoka, Masashi Yokozeki, Noriyuki Matsuda, Susumu Tanimura, Kohsuke Takeda
CircRNA_001569 promotes cell proliferation through absorbing miR-145 in gastric cancer
Fengqian Shen, Peijie Liu, Zhiqiao Xu, Ning Li, Zhenying, Xiaojing Tie, Yan Zhang, Ling Gao
Specific mutations in presenilin 1 cause conformational changes in γ-secretase to modulate amyloid β trimming
So Imai, Tetsuo Cai, Chika Yoshida, Taisuke Tomita, Eugene Futai
CREG1 promotes uncoupling protein 1 expression and brown adipogenesis in vitro
Tatsuya Kusudo, Michihiro Hashimoto, Naoya Kataoka, Yongxue Li, Aya Nozaki, Hitoshi Yamashita
Thioredoxin o-mediated reduction of mitochondrial alternative oxidase in the thermogenic skunk cabbage Symplocarpus renifolius
Yui Umekawa, Kikukatsu Ito
Application of machine learning algorithms for the differential diagnosis of peroxisomal disorders
Pammi Subhashini, Sampangi Jaya Krishna, Ganni Usha Rani, Nooguri Sushma Chander, Gummadi Maheshwar Reddy, Shaik Mohammad Naushad
PIKfyve accelerates phagosome acidification through activation of TRPML1 while arrests aberrant vacuolation independent of the Ca2+channel
Yuri Isobe, Kiyomi Nigorikawa, Go Tsurumi, Shinya Takemasu, Shunsuke Takasuga, Satoshi Kofuji, Kaoru Hazeki
Identification of a common epitope in the sequences of COL4A1 and COL6A1 recognized by monoclonal antibody #141
Takamichi Sato, Ryo Takano, Naoko Takahara, Kazuhiro Tokunaka, Kan Saiga, Arihiro Tomura, Hidemitsu Sugihara, Toshihiko Hayashi, Yasutada Imamura, Makoto Morita
FAOBMB Research Excellence Award 2019
FAOBMB Education Award 2019
Education Award 2019 Guidelines (PDF)
● Education Award 2019 Application Form (Word)
● Education Award 2019 Application Form (PDF)
Young Scientist Programme Kuala Lumpur 2019
at the 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference to be held in Malaysia in August 2019
Date: 15-18 August 2019
Venue: Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Details on HOW TO APPLY and APPLICATION FORM are available on the Conference webpage at:
Inquiries about the YSP in 2019 can be made by email to the Secretary of YSP Malaysia 2019 at:iubmb2019.ysp@gmail.com
Closing Date For Applications to the YSP 2019 is 31 JANUARY 2019
The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
Website has been opened.
YSP Observer Fellowships
New information pertaining to the IUBMB-FAOBMB2018 Congress has been updated on the FAOBMB webpage at www.faobmb.com with a notice about the latest 7th Newsletter.
The link to the new Post is at:
The new Post also contains information about the new YSP Observer Fellowships, with a link to the relevant section of the IUBMB2018 Congress webpage at:
There is a new application form for these Observer Fellowships, with a deadline for applications of 30 April 2018.
The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
Registration and Abstract Submission and Hotel Reservation have been started.
TITLE: 24th IUBMB Congress & 15th FAOBMB Congress (IUBMB SEOUL 2018)
DATE: June 4 (Mon) – 8 (Fri), 2018
VENUE COEX, Seoul, Republic of Korea
WEBSITE www.iubmb2018.org
at the IUBMB-FAOBMB Congress to be held in Seoul in June 2018
YSP event takes place 2-4 June 2018 at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
IUBMB-FAOBMB Congress takes place 4-8 June 2018 at CoEx, Seoul, Korea
18 February 2018: Fellowship Application and Abstract submission deadline.
(Fellowship deadline has been extended till 18 February 2018)
https://www.jbsoc.or.jp/seika/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ysp_fellowship-guideline 【PDF】
https://www.jbsoc.or.jp/seika/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ysp_fellowship-guideline 【Word】
The 46th Naito Conference Mechanisms of Evolution and Biodiversity
━━━━━━━━ ■ Call For Posters
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
: 1 : To participate
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
: 2 : Poster Application Period
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
: 3 : Date and Venue
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
: 4 : Registration and Abstract Submission
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
: 5 : Invited lecturers from all over the world
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
: 6 : The Naito Conference Secretariat
: 1 : To participate
The Naito Conference is calling for poster presenters to give an opportunity
for in-depth discussion and networking. Just about 60 poster presenters will
be selected by the organizing committee.
● Accommodations will be covered by the Naito Foundation.
● Official language is English for the scientific discussion.
● Participation for full four days is a prerequisite.
● No registration fee.
: 2 : Poster Application Period
2/6 (Tue.) – 3/7 (Wed.), 2018
: 3 : Date and Venue
10/2 (Tue.) – 5 (Fri.), 2018
: 4 : Registration and Abstract Submission ………………………………………
Online application via
: 5 : Invited lecturers from all over the world …………………………………
……………………………… ● Organizing Committee
Mariko HASEGAWA 長谷川眞理子 (Chair)
SOKENDAI, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
Takema FUKATSU 深津武馬
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
Mitsuyasu HASEBE 長谷部光泰
National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan
Yoh IWASA 巌佐庸
Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Japan
Shigeru KURATANI 倉谷滋
Evolutionary Morphology Laboratory, RIKEN, Japan
Gen SUWA 諏訪元
The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Japan
● Plenary Lecturers
University of Wisconsin, USA
Peter R. GRANT
Princeton University, USA
B. Rosemary GRANT
Princeton University, USA
● Invited Lecturers
Thomas BOSCH
Rebecca CANN
Michael DESAI
Andreas HEJNOL
Jean-Jacques HUBLIN
Ryuichi KOGA
Patrick NOSIL
Dietmar ZINNER
: 6 : The Naito Conference Secretariat
● The Naito Foundation
● Phone
● Email
JBS Bio-Frontier Symposium
International Symposium on ER stress, glycosylation, homeostasis and diseases
Date: March 22 (Thu) – 23 (Fri), 2018
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, RIKEN (Wako) 2-1, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Organizer: Tadashi Suzuki (RIKEN)
ConBio2017 Lectures on Demand has been released.
Only Members and Student Members who attended ConBio2017 can access the “Lectures on Demand”. Members and Student Members who did not attend ConBio2017 or Non-members and Student Non-members who attended ConBio2017 cannot access “Lectures on Demand”. ID and password for the viewing site is not for sale.
at the IUBMB-FAOBMB Congress to be held in Seoul in June 2018
YSP event takes place 2-4 June 2018 at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
IUBMB-FAOBMB Congress takes place 4-8 June 2018 at CoEx, Seoul, Korea
Details on HOW TO APPLY and APPLICATION FORM are available on the Congress webpage at:
Just click on the YSP link for details
Inquiries about the YSP in 2018 can be made by email to:
Secretary of YSP Seoul 2018, Dr Kyung-Hee Chun, at: khchun@yuhs.ac
the Congress Secretariat at: info@iubmb2018.org
Closing Date For Applications to the YSP 2018 is 26 JANUARY 2018
(Fellowship deadline has been extended till 18 February 2018)
25 JANUARY 2018 Up Date
https://www.jbsoc.or.jp/seika/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ysp_fellowship-guideline 【PDF】
https://www.jbsoc.or.jp/seika/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ysp_fellowship-guideline 【Word】
【ConBio2017】 Advance Registration has been closed.
Advance Registration has been closed. Late Registration will open in November.
The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
Our Website has been opend.
Theme: A Century of Biochemical Research in Japan: Tradition and Innovation
Dates: September 24-26, 2018
Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center
President: Akira Kikuchi (Osaka University)
24th IUBMB Congress and 15th FAOBMB Congress
Date : June 4-8, 2018
Venue: COEX, Seoul, Korea
Web Site : https://www.iubmb2018.org/
26th FAOBMB Conference with ConBio2017, Kobe, Japan, 6–9 December 2017
26th FAOBMB Conference with ConBio2017, Kobe, Japan, 6–9 December 2017
FAOBMB Travel Fellowships for the FAOBMB-ConBio2017 Conference in Japan, December 2017
Applications for these fellowships are now invited from well qualified Graduate students/postdoctoral fellows/early career Biochemists and/or Molecular Biologists, from the FAOBMB region and not more than 40 years of age at the date of the application deadline (31 July 2017).
Detailed Guidelines and updated Application Forms can be found on the following section of the FAOBMB webpage:
Successful applicants for these Fellowships in 2017 will each be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation on their research work in a session of the 26th FAOBMB Conference to be held in Kobe in December 2017.
Important notice: Applicants for these fellowships must submit their Abstract online during the period 3 – 18 July 2017 at the ConBio2017 website:
The Fellowship applications, which close on 31 July 2017, should be sent to Sheila Nathan sheila@ukm.edu.my
Notice of Election for FAOBMB Education Chair
Dear FAOBMB Council member,
The second term of Ms Siok Im Koh as Chair of the FAOBMB Education Committee will expire on 31 December, 2017. She served from 1 January 2012 for the first of two possible three-year terms, and then was re-elected for a second term from 1 January 2015. She is not eligible to serve for another term as FAOBMB Education Chair (according to Rule 56, see below).
A new Chair of the FAOBMB Education Committee will be elected to serve as follows:
Three-year term: 2018-2020, inclusive. (There will be the possibility in future to be subsequently re-elected for a further three-year term 2021-2023).
The election of Chair of the FAOBMB Education Committee is a very important duty of Council. The role of Chair of the Education Committee is critical to the management and leadership of educational developments in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the FAOBMB region, including coordinating with the local organizer of each of the annual FAOBMB Congresses and Conferences to arrange the Education Symposium at those events (in liaison with IUBMB) and also to assist more generally with developing education and training in the FAOBMB region. The position also entails working closely with other members of the Executive Committee on these and other matters of significance to the management and development of FAOBMB.
In accordance with FAOBMB Rule 52 (pasted below), I am writing to give you the opportunity to make a nomination for Chair of the FAOBMB Education Committee. Nominations should be made on the attached form and need to include the written consent of the nominee to serve if elected. The nomination form must be signed by a Nominator and Seconder who are both members of one of the Constituent Member societies or groups of the FAOBMB Inc. The form should be accompanied by a short biographical sketch of the nominee (maximum of one A4 page).
After completion, please send me PDF files of the nomination form and biographical sketch (or scan in the signed nomination form and biographical sketch) and email them to me by the due date 24 July 2017. Alternatively, you may send them by ordinary mail as follows (also to reach me by that due date):
Extract from relevant Rules of FAOBMB
52 Nominations to positions of President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Chair of Education Committee and Chair of Fellowships Committee
(1) During the calendar year preceding that in which a vacancy is anticipated to arise for a particular office by virtue of the incumbent in that office having reached the limit of their term in office under rule 56, or as soon a practicable after a member of the Executive Committee leaves office by resignation or for any other reason under these Rules, the Secretary General shall send a dated circular by email to all members not less than 42 days before the deadline for the receipt of nominations, calling for nominations of candidates for the respective offices of the Executive Committee.
(2) Each nomination shall be signed by a nominator and a seconder who are each a member of a Society or Group that is a Constituent Member of the Federation, and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee to serve if elected. Nominations are to be sent electronically to the Secretary General either by email or facsimile.
(3) If there is one valid nomination for the position to be filled the Secretary General will declare the candidate elected to that position.
(4) If the number of valid nominations exceeds one for any position to be filled, an election will be held ―
(a) by Ballot at the next meeting of Council according to rule 54 provided that the date for return of nominations is less than 42 days before the next announced date for a meeting of Council; or
(b) by Ballot outside Council meeting according to rule 55 provided that the date for return of nominations is 42 days or more before the next announced date for a meeting of Council.
56 Term of office of the Executive Committee members
(1) Presidential officers
(a) The term of office of the President-Elect is one calendar year beginning on 1 January and ending 31 December of the year of assuming office. At the termination of the term as the President-Elect, he or she shall become the President of the Federation with a term of three calendar years beginning on 1 January of the year of assuming office. The term of the Immediate Past President shall be two calendar years following the termination of his or her term as the President.
(b) The President-Elect shall be elected by the Council every three years.
(c) The President shall not be eligible for a second consecutive term in the same office.
(2) The Secretary General and the Treasurer
(a) The term of office of the Secretary General and that of the Treasurer shall be three calendar years which shall begin on 1 January of the year of assuming office.
(b) The Secretary-General and the Treasurer shall be elected by the Council every three calendar years.
(c) The Secretary-General and the Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election for a second and final consecutive term to the same office.
(3) Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee
(a) The term of office of the Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee shall be three calendar years which shall begin on 1 January of the year of assuming office.
(b) The Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee shall be elected by the Council every three calendar years.
(c) The Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee shall be eligible for re-election for a second and final consecutive term to the same office.
The closing date for receipt of nominations is Monday, 24 July 2017. If more than one nomination is received, a postal (i.e email) ballot will be held according to Rule 55 (there would be more than 42 days between that date for return of nominations and the next announced date for the meeting of Council on 5 December 2017, in Kobe, Japan). Should an election need to be called, a simple majority of votes received will be sufficient for election provided the number of votes received is at least 50% of the total number of those eligible to vote.
Notice of Election for FAOBMB Secretary General
Dear FAOBMB Council member
The second term of Professor Phillip Nagley as Secretary General of FAOBMB will expire on 31 December, 2017. He will have served from 1 January 2012 for the first of two possible three-year terms, and then was re-elected for a second term from 1 January 2015. He is not eligible to serve for another term as Secretary General (according to Rule 56, see below).
A new Secretary General of FAOBMB Fellowships Committee will be elected to serve as follows:
Three-year term: 2018-2020, inclusive. (There will be the possibility in future to be subsequently re-elected for a further three-year term 2021-2023).
The election of Secretary General is a very important duty of Council. The role of Secretary General is critical to the administration of FAOBMB. Duties include maintaining liaison with delegates of Constituent Members, responsibility for Council meetings and Executive Committee meetings, providing advice to organizers of FAOBMB Congresses and Conferences, soliciting new Constituent Members and managing the FAOBMB website.The position also entails working closely with other members of the Executive Committee, especially the President, on these and other matters of significance to the management and development of FAOBMB.
In accordance with FAOBMB Rule 52 (pasted below), I am writing to give you the opportunity to make a nomination for Secretary General of FAOBMB. Nominations should be made on the attached form and need to include the written consent of the nominee to serve if elected. The nomination form must be signed by a Nominator and Seconder who are both members of one of the Constituent Member societies or groups of the FAOBMB Inc. The form should be accompanied by a short biographical sketch of the nominee (maximum of one A4 page).
After completion, please send me PDF files of the nomination form and biographical sketch (or scan in the signed nomination form and biographical sketch) and email them to me by the due date 24 July 2017. Alternatively, you may send them by ordinary mail as follows (also to reach me by that due date):
Extract from relevant Rules of FAOBMB
52 Nominations to positions of President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Chair of Education Committee and Chair of Fellowships Committee
(1) During the calendar year preceding that in which a vacancy is anticipated to arise for a particular office by virtue of the incumbent in that office having reached the limit of their term in office under rule 56, or as soon a practicable after a member of the Executive Committee leaves office by resignation or for any other reason under these Rules, the Secretary General shall send a dated circular by email to all members not less than 42 days before the deadline for the receipt of nominations, calling for nominations of candidates for the respective offices of the Executive Committee.
(2) Each nomination shall be signed by a nominator and a seconder who are each a member of a Society or Group that is a Constituent Member of the Federation, and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee to serve if elected. Nominations are to be sent electronically to the Secretary General either by email or facsimile.
(3) If there is one valid nomination for the position to be filled the Secretary General will declare the candidate elected to that position.
(4) If the number of valid nominations exceeds one for any position to be filled, an election will be held ―
(a) by Ballot at the next meeting of Council according to rule 54 provided that the date for return of nominations is less than 42 days before the next announced date for a meeting of Council; or
(b) by Ballot outside Council meeting according to rule 55 provided that the date for return of nominations is 42 days or more before the next announced date for a meeting of Council.
56 Term of office of the Executive Committee members
(1) Presidential officers
(a) The term of office of the President-Elect is one calendar year beginning on 1 January and ending 31 December of the year of assuming office. At the termination of the term as the President-Elect, he or she shall become the President of the Federation with a term of three calendar years beginning on 1 January of the year of assuming office. The term of the Immediate Past President shall be two calendar years following the termination of his or her term as the President.
(b) The President-Elect shall be elected by the Council every three years.
(c) The President shall not be eligible for a second consecutive term in the same office.
(2) The Secretary General and the Treasurer
(a) The term of office of the Secretary General and that of the Treasurer shall be three calendar years which shall begin on 1 January of the year of assuming office.
(b) The Secretary-General and the Treasurer shall be elected by the Council every three calendar years.
(c) The Secretary-General and the Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election for a second and final consecutive term to the same office.
(3) Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee
(a) The term of office of the Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee shall be three calendar years which shall begin on 1 January of the year of assuming office.
(b) The Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee shall be elected by the Council every three calendar years.
(c) The Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Fellowships Committee shall be eligible for re-election for a second and final consecutive term to the same office.
The closing date for receipt of nominations is Monday, 24 July 2017. If more than one nomination is received, a postal (i.e email) ballot will be held according to Rule 55 (there would be more than 42 days between that date for return of nominations and the next announced date for the meeting of Council on 5 December 2017, in Kobe, Japan). Should an election need to be called, a simple majority of votes received will be sufficient for election provided the number of votes received is at least 50% of the total number of those eligible to vote.
Samuro Kakiuchi Memorial Research Award for Young Scientists (by Gushinkai)2017
ConBio2017(Consortium of Biological Sciences 2017)
Website opened.
2017 The Osamu Hayaishi Memorial Scholarship for Study Abroad
15th TOKYO IGAKUKEN International Symposium
”Mechanisms of genome inheritance and maintenance”
implication in pathogenesis and development of diseases
Date:9:30am-5:00pm November 18th (Fri), 2016
Venue:2-1-6 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 156-8506, Japan
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine |
postdoctral fellow |
A postdoctoral position is open in the area of molecular pathogenesis of age-related diseases at Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago, USA. [Yuasa-Kawada et al, Nature Neuroscience 12:1087-1089; Yuasa-Kawada et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:14530-14535; Li et al, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:3169-3174; Guo W, et al, Nature Structural & Mol Biol 18:822?830; Zhu et al., Hum Mol Genet. 23(25):6863-77; Deng et al., PloSGenetics 2015 Sep 3;11(9):e1005357; Kong et al., J Clinical Investigation 125(12):4407-4420].
Applicants may send a brief summary of past accomplishment and curriculum vitae by email to Professor Jane Wu (jane-wu@northwestern.edu) |
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (www.oist.jp) invites applications for at least 5 new faculty positions as part of its planned expansion. Targeted areas for the current search include*:
Chemistry Chemical Biology; Materials Chemistry (including Polymer Chemistry, Metal-Organic
Life Sciences Cell Biology; Theoretical Biology; Behavioral Learning Theory
Mathematics Discrete Mathematics; Computational Sciences; Big Data Analysis
Physics Quantum Information; Ultracold Physics; Condensed Matter; Cosmology/Gravitational
We are seeking applicants with excellent scholarship and creativity. Successful candidates are expected to establish an active program of research, supervise student research and teach in the graduate program. Generous research resources are provided which may be supplemented with external grants. Appointments will be Tenure-Track or Tenured. Starting date is flexible.
Applications should include: a letter of intent, CV, summary of previous research, research proposal, and a teaching statement. Information and instructions for submitting applications can be accessed at https://groups.oist.jp/facultypositions
*Applications from strong candidates in other fields may be considered.
Application Deadline: Noon on Monday, October 24, 2016 (any time zone)
The OIST Graduate University offers a world-class research environment with an international research community and opportunities for interdisciplinary research. Research and teaching is conducted in English. The campus is located in a beautiful subtropical setting in Okinawa, Japan.
The OIST Graduate University is an equal opportunity educator and employer committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, students and staff through proactive policies. We provide a family-friendly working environment, including a bilingual child development center on campus. Applications from women and other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged. See https://groups.oist.jp/ged
Inquiries should be directed to Professor Gordon Arbuthnott, Dean of Faculty Affairs,
Daiju Kitagawa( National Institute of Genetics )
Molecular mechanisms of centriole duplication
Mikiko Suzuki( Tohoku Univ.)
Hematopoietic Disorders Driven by Enhancer Abnormality
Kazuya Tsujita( Kobe Univ. Biosignal Research Center )
Regulation of membrane tension mediated actin nucleation by membrane bending proteins
Yoshikazu Nakamura( Tokyo Univ. of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
Analysis of physiological functions of phospholipase Cδ
Isao Naguro( The Univ. of Tokyo )
Analysis of ASK3 that regulates bidirectional osmotic stress response
JB Award
・Simona Panni, Stefano Salvioli, Elena Santonico, Francesca Langone, Francesca Storino, Serena Altilia, Claudio Franceschi, Gianni Cesareni, and Luisa Castagnoli
「The adapter protein CD2AP binds to p53 protein in the cytoplasm and can discriminate its polymorphic variants P72R 」
・Marie Amano, Haruka Mizuguchi, Tadahisa Sano, Hiroki Kondo, Kengo Shinyashiki, Junko Inagaki, Takashi Tamura, Tatsuya Kawaguchi, Hitoshi Kusakabe, Katsumi Imada, and Kenji Inagaki
「Recombinant expression, molecular characterization and crystal structure of antitumor enzyme, L-lysine α-oxidase from Trichoderma viride 」
・Keita Okuda, Tomokazu Ito, Masaru Goto, Takashi Takenaka, Hisashi Hemmi, and Tohru Yoshimura
「Domain characterization of Bacillus subtilis GabR, a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate-dependent transcriptional regulator 」
・Takafumi Shintani, Satoru Higashi, Yasushi Takeuchi, Eugenio Gaudio, Francesco Trapasso, Alfredo Fusco, and Masaharu Noda
「The R3 receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase subfamily inhibits insulin signalling by dephosphorylating the insulin receptor at specific sites 」
・Daisuke Takahashi, Koichi Sato, Emiko Hirayama, Minoru Takata, and Hitoshi Kurumizaka
「Human FAN1 promotes strand incision in 5′-flapped DNA complexed with RPA 」
・Soh Yamazaki, Shizuo Akira, and Hideki Sumimoto
「Glucocorticoid augments lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of the IκBζ-dependent genes encoding the anti-microbial glycoproteins lipocalin 2 and pentraxin 3」
・Indah Wijayanti, Daisuke Watanabe, Satoshi Oshiro, and Hiroshi Takagi
「Isolation and functional analysis of yeast ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 variants that alleviate the toxicity of human α-synuclein 」
Samuro Kakiuchi Memorial Research Award for Young Scientists (by Gushinkai) 2016
Kota Saito ( The Univ. of Tokyo )
Mechanisms of collagen secretion from the endoplasmic reticulum
Takafumi Suzuki(Tohoku Univ.)
Analysis of regulation of ubiquitin ligase activity by stress sensor Keap1
Samuro Kakiuchi Memorial Award (by Gushinkai) 2016
Akira Kikuchi( Osaka Univ. )
Wnt signal-regulated cellular functions and implications of their abnormalities in diseases
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