兵庫県立大学 大学院理学研究科 生命科学専攻 生体物質機能解析学部門 生体情報学II分野 教授

兵庫県立大学 大学院理学研究科 教員(専任)公募要領



1.募集人員: 教授 1名

2.所  属: 大学院理学研究科 生命科学専攻 生体物質機能解析学部門 生体情報学II分野


4.教  育:


6.着任時期: 令和7年4月1日(火)(予定)

7.任  期: なし

(1) 履歴書(写真添付、学齢は高校卒業以降、職歴、賞罰等):様式1
(2) 研究業績(著書、論文等):様式2
(3) 主要論文別刷り(5編以内。コピー可)
(4) 教育歴および学会・社会における活動: 様式3
(5) これまでの主要な研究概要: 様式4(2000字程度で、図、写真、表(文字に含めず)などを用いてもよい)
(6) 教育・研究への抱負:様式5(2000字程度で、図、写真、表(文字に含めず)などを用いてもよい)
(7) 推薦書(書式自由) 2通。

※ 本学所定の様式は、兵庫県立大学理学部ホームページ

9.応募締切: 令和6年9月2日(月)必着

10.選考方法: 書類選考および面接(模擬授業を含む)。面接の際の交通費は応募者の自己負担とします。

〒678-1297 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町光都3丁目2番1号
兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科長  吉久 徹
経営部総務課気付 TEL: 0791-58-0101
※ 封筒に「生体情報学II分野 教授応募書類在中」と朱書きし、簡易書留で郵送のこと。

〒678-1297 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町光都3丁目2番1号
兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科 生命科学専攻 生体分子生合成 水島 恒裕
TEL: 079-267-4938 (直通) E-mail: mizushi@sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp


Position Announcement
Graduate School of Science University of Hyogo
Hyogo, Japan

Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo invites applications for a full-time, tenured Professor position. University of Hyogo is actively promoting diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability and other diverse backgrounds. We explicitly invite applicants qualified in research and education to apply.

A full-time, tenured Professor position.

Laboratory of Biological Signaling, Division of Functional Analysis of Biomolecules, Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo.

3.Research field:
We encourage applicants who are investigating fundamental phenomena in the life sciences at the molecular and cellular levels. We also welcome applications from researchers who have demonstrated excellence in fields that complement the research areas of the Department.

4.Education duties:
The successful candidate is expected to conduct the following educational duties.
1)Lectures on basic biology and experimental training on life science for undergraduates and graduate students of Department of Science department. Some of lectures may be taught in English.
2)Research supervision for master’s theses and Ph.D. dissertations.
3)English fluency sufficient to teach and guide international students is required.
Possible undergraduate courses to be taught include:
Cell biology 4
Molecular biology 3
Introduction to Life science
Basic Seminar
Basic Laboratory Course in Life Science (Experimental Training)
Laboratory Course in Life Science (Experimental Training)

Possible graduate courses to be taught include:
Biochemistry of Biological Signaling Molecules
Introduction to Picobiology
Advanced Laboratory Course in Functional Molecular Biology
Exercise in Functional Molecular Biology

5. Qualifications:
1.Doctoral degree.
2.Demonstrated ability to advise students at the undergraduate and graduate levels to obtain the degree, and willingness to participate in teaching courses for Japanese and international undergraduate and graduate students.
3.Strong expertise and evidence of success in life science research.
4.No restriction on nationality. However, Japanese language proficiency to carry out academic and administrative duties is mandatory.

6. Start of term:
The term will start on April 1, 2025.

7. Employment status:
Full-time (tenured). University of Hyogo has mandatory retirement at the age of 65 for this position.

8. Application Requirements:
1)Full curriculum vitae with a photo attached, university graduation date (Form 1).
2)List of research achievements— please separate original papers from the others. (Form 2)
3)Reprints or copies of research articles (max. five articles)
4)Education experience, contributions to academic societies, and social activities (Form 3)
5)Summary of research (Form 4) — about 1,100 words (English) or 2,000 characters (Japanese). Figures and tables can be included.
6)Proposal for future research and education plans (Form 5) — about 1,100 words (English) or 2,000 characters (Japanese) Figures and tables can be included.
7)Two recommendation letters from recognized researchers. The letters can be sent with the other application materials but must be sealed off. Or, the recommenders can directly send their letters via registered mail or via e-mail to the address shown in section 11.
The items from 1) to 6) should be submitted as printed materials as well as pdf files in a USB flash memory or in CD-ROM.

9. Application deadline:
September 2, 2024

10. Selection:
1) Short-listing through application review
2) Interview (including mock lecture)
Note: University of Hyogo will not support any travel expenses of applicants for any reasons during the selection.

11. Submission:
All applicants should submit their applications via registered post mail to:
Tohru Yoshihisa, Dean
Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo
Koto 3-2-1, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo 678-1297, Japan
TEL: +81-791-58-0101
e-mail: tyoshihi@sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp
The submitted information will be strictly managed under the privacy policy of University of Hyogo and will be used only for this selection. The submitted materials will not be returned.

12. Contact:
If you have any questions, please send an email to Tsunehiro Mizushima, Prof. of Graduate School of Science: e-mail address, mizushi@sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp (in English or Japanese). For more information: https://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp/english/index.html